Archive for November, 2013

Episode: 78

If You’re Still Eating Low-Fat, We’re Sending You Back to Cuba


Tonight, on an all-new Let’s Get Real; The wheels on the bus go round and round…And we fight Foodiness™ all around the town! Meet the brand-new addition to the Foodiness™ Fighting Fleet and listen in live for the big unveiling of the big yellow school bus, the one that played a major part in my trauma that was first grade and now shuttles the team around the planet in cushy, infantilized style. Oh yeah, it’s also a Trending Now! show. I almost forgot that in all the excitement about the bus. Get On the Bus!

Episode: 77

Vodka Doesn’t Taste Like Birthday Cake Either


In tonight’s episode – Vodka Doesn’t Taste Like Birthday Cake Either – I get real about flavoring going even further down the foodiness rabbit hole; how birthday cake flavored vodka, Oreos, Peeps and Jell-o Pudding are the ultimate in foodiness™ infantilization…that is until they come up with Formula-flavored Oreos…or Oreo-flavored formula, but I really shouldn’t be giving these ideas away for free; and how if birthday cake flavored anything doesn’t make you retch you shouldn’t be listening to this show.

So if you want to retch over birthday cake flavored vodka and you want to feel even more superior to people who don’t retch, tune in!

Episode: 76

Biting Into A Pumpkin Spice Flavored Halloween Hershey’s Kiss Is Worse Than Biting Into A Razor Blade


In tonight’s episode — Biting Into A Pumpkin Spice Flavored Halloween Hershey’s Kiss Is Worse Than Biting Into A Razor Blade—I get real about how flavoring has ruined Halloween; how caramel apple flavored Milky Ways and pumpkin spice flavored Hershey’s Kisses make you wish you’d bitten into a Kandy Korn with a razor blade – and nostalgic for the good ol’ days; and how, if you’re going to eat pumpkin and apples eat pumpkin and apples, and if you’re going to eat Halloween candy eat Milky Ways and Hershey’s Kisses, otherwise you deserve to bite into a razor blade.

So if you don’t want to eat pumpkin-spice flavored shit or razor blades, tune in!

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