Tonight, on an all-new Let’s Get Real; If pizza takes any more abuse, it’ll need a case worker, I get real about what’s happened to our first American ethnic food. From twirly-mustached artisanal pizza makers in Brooklyn, to non-ironic mustached pizza guys in Staten Island, and the soul-killling array of frozen Foodiness™ “pizza” in the supermarkets, we dish it up (but only thin-crust, sorry Chicago!) in the fallout shelter tonight.
Archive for 2014
Episode: 83
Tonight, on an all-new LGR; GMO’s Shmee-M-O’s. You shouldn’t be eating Cheerios anyway! It’s current events night in the Foodiness™ Fallout shelter! Our resident Nutrition Educator, Kristin Wartman joins us to blow the smoke off the mirrors and discuss her new article for CivilEats on Cheerios, Gmo’s, and Industry back patting. Its always a good time when Wides and Wartman are in the house, and tonight, we let it rip!
Episode: 82
On tonight’s all new Let’s Get Real…Your Mom Is a Liar, But It’s Not All Her Fault…I get real about the lies that Foodiness™ has perpetuated on us all, starting with our moms. How your mom thought she was doing the right thing, but she wasn’t and now you have to suffer and its all her fault. How dentists probably invented gummy vitamins to shore up business, how the margarine-industrial complex keeps re-inventing itself, and how juice-based diets just keep on proving to be the stupidest things since smoking. Live tonight at 6:30 on, right here later tonight, or eventually on itunes.