On today’s brand-new show, the first of the year, we get Fresh and Clean in 2015! In fact, that’s our new motto down here in the newly refurnished Foodiness™ Fallout Shelter. The twins, Lexi and Hampton (remember them?) were home from liberal progressive boarding school (read; work camp) so we gave the place a total makeover during the break, conveniently using the their tiny hands to do all the labor, for free! Love those guys…big kiss!

Anyway, the place looks great, and the overhaul frees up my mind to focus on important stuff, like food, Foodiness™, and FRESHNESS. I think it’s time for a New Year’s “resolutionary” approach to eating. Not for me, I’m just fine, but for, you know…them. The frozen pre-cooked pancakes peeps, the hemp-chia-soymilk-protein bar ladies, the blue yogurt in a tube folks…all that stuff is…well, not so fresh. It’s not so…food, either.

And while I did buy frozen ducks from Costco for Christmukkah, as opposed to the live/freshly killed ones I was implored to buy (not at Costco) by a nice Muslim man on line, I try to keep it fresh and real. It’s my job, and I take it seriously.

So tune in today at 1:00 or later tonight to listen to episode #118! On Heritage Radio Network, or on LetsGetRealshow.com, and as they say at that sh*thole, Subway, EAT FRESH!